Lambda Functions In Python. Topic – 36

Lambda Functions I Python

Lambda Functions In Python:

There is a concept of lambda functions in Python which is very useful. To write an anonymous function, there is no name for an anonymous function, only an expression. Let’s see the syntax.

lambda arguments: expression

A lambda function is a single expression. For example, suppose we have a + b where the value of a is 5 and the value of b is 10. a + b is an expression. The lambda function also works similarly. First of all, let’s write a normal function that will add two values.

def add(a,b):
  return f"a + b = {a + b}"


The Output Of This Code Will Be:

a + b = 15

If we look at this through lambda functions, how it’s look like. Let’s see the example:

add = lambda a, b: f"a + b = {a + b}"

The Output Of This Code Will Be:

a + b = 15

If we simplify this program it will look like this:

add = lambda a, b :a + b

The Output Of This Code Will Be:


We can use the lambda function as a variable. We do not always perform this function. Mostly we use this function when we need to pass a function as an argument, or when we want to create a single-line expression.

When we should not use the lambda function:

  • If your function has too many steps or the logic is too complex, you should not use the lambda function. Lambda functions are meant for simple operations.
  • Lambda functions are not always straightforward, especially for those unfamiliar with the concepts of functional programming. If you want to make the code easier to read, use named functions with clear names.
  • Debugging with Lambda functions can be a little tricky. If you want to set breakpoints or print debugging statements, it is better to use named functions.

Why lambda function is called anonymous function?

Lambda functions are called “anonymous functions” because they have no formal name. These functions are defined without any specific name, and they are used for short-lived operations. These are typically one-liner expressions and are created for on-the-fly use, without assigning to any variables.

Seek Tail Truncate Method in Python

Seek, Tail, Truncate Method in Python

In Python, the seek() and tell() functions are used to work with file objects and their positions within a file. These functions are

Practice Set For Lambda Function:

  • Write a simple lambda function that adds two numbers.
  • Given a list of integers, use a lambda function with the filter function to get a new list containing only the even numbers.
  • Use a lambda function and the reduce function from the functools module to find the product of all elements in a list of integers.
    m,” it should return “
  • Write a lambda function that takes two arguments (a, b) and returns the larger of the two.
  • Create a lambda function that returns ‘Even’ if a given number is even and ‘Odd’ if it’s odd.
  • Write a lambda function to extract the domain name from a list of email addresses. For example, if given “

I hope you understand “Lambda Functions In Python. Need guidance or have questions? Drop a comment below. Share your email for a personalized touch—I’ll send exclusive resources and answer queries. Let’s code together, creating efficient code and memorable learning moments! 🚀

Finite number of  lines code and infinite possibilities

Programmer, Arpan Bera

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Arpan Bera

Coding is like Love – everyone can start, but only a few finish without errors

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